Hi Geordie, sorry about the delay…..a very hectic week!
Our event could not have gone better……your team turned up at the arranged time and very quickly set up all their equipment without any fuss and were no hindrance at all.
Antipasti was served up on time and due to the late arrival of a few guests, it was agreed that the main course could be delayed by 20 minutes which worked well for us and your team.
All the food was was well received with plenty of compliments from our guests.
The bamboo plates, cutlery and serviettes were great quality and received plenty of positive comments.
After desserts had been served, the team cleared everything away unnoticed and discreetly said goodbye. I must add a special thank you to Vicky and Iros (hopefully spelt correctly) who worked like Trojans and were superb all afternoon and were very accommodating when I asked them to delay proceedings a couple of times.
All-in-all, a wonderful day was had by our guests with perfect weather and balanced with the Spitting Pig Hog Roast. We wouldn’t hesitate to recommend your company.
Many thanks and kind regards