If you are a business owner or even a department manager you will more than likely be looking at your calendar for 2025 right about now. The year lays open ahead, and it’s time to fill it up with plenty of plans that are going to boost your business or department higher than ever before. It may not be immediately obvious, but having your own corporate caterer for the year ahead will help you hit those goals and then some! Fortunately for you, Hog Roast Ockenden are here to help.
Corporate catering is an excellent tool that more businesses should be looking to utilise on a more regular basis. Our corporate catering services at Hog Roast Ockenden give businesses the tools they need for day to day working life as much as the big business events and conferences. Staff morale could be pushed way up by something as simple as a regular workplace lunch catered by the Hog Roast Ockenden team. We can come bi-weekly, once a month, or any one-off occasions that you want us. We’ll provide a full lunchtime dining experience for your whole staff. We can mix it up between quicker menu services, such as our hot filled hog roast rolls, or give you something a little more substantial to chew on, such as full roast with accompaniments of roast potatoes, fresh salads, slaws, sage and onion stuffing, crackling, gravy, the lot!
Hog Roast Ockenden are also here for those big dates on the calendar, too. The type that are double highlighted and underlined, just so everyone knows when it is coming up. In such cases, we could help supplement your big companywide meetings, support your own industry events and conferences, supplement the launch of a new product or service, or be there to help you in the celebrations at the end of a quarter or year. We’ve worked with businesses both local and leading global, so our reputation is there to be seen for all that we can bring you. If you haven’t use Hog Roast Ockenden’s corporate catering before, then there is no time like 2025 to get started!