Hog Roast Canewdon tries Pumpkin carving

Do you struggle carving pumpkins? Imagine carving turnips instead! Turnips were the original ‘Jack Lantern’s’. If you google carved turnips, they are absolutely terrifying! Whoever decided to change them to pumpkins saved a lot of children from nightmares that’s for sure. Hog Roast Canewdon enjoys carving pumpkins, it gives an additional Halloween feature to their serving tables. 

Hog Roast CanewdonLast Friday Hog Roast Canewdon had the pleasure of serving staff and their families at a corporate Halloween party. The place was decorated with pumpkin and skull bunting, pumpkins and flying witches. The staff finished the workday and then their families joined them for a party with inflatables including sumo-wrestling and delicious food from Hog Roast Canewdon. 

There was a bob the apple, a doughnut wall and a pumpkin carving contest, and despite Hog Roast Canewdon’s best efforts of a pumpkin-pig, unfortunately they did not win. 

By the half five serve, everyone was starving and eager to try the whole roasted pig with all the tasty-looking extras. The staff and their families enjoyed either a moist pulled pork bap with homemade stuffing and a side of crackling with a nice crunch or a hot dog made up of an extra flavourful butcher sausage. The hot dogs had been requested on behalf of the children, even so Hog Roast Canewdon had enough for everyone to try one. In addition to the tender and tasty meats, the staff and families indulged on a mixture of chips and sweet potato fries fried fresh on site and three freshly prepared on site salads including a creamy and crunchy coleslaw. The Italian-favourite tomato and mozzarella salad with fresh basil leaves and the colourful mixed salad was a hit with the guests.Hog Roast Canewdon

Some kids decided to have a chip butty with a sausage on the side. Many of the adults topped their pork roll with the coleslaw which Hog Roast Canewdon always thinks is a yummy choice. 

Hog Roast Canewdon served for 2 hours allowing the staff and their families to come up for seconds, and even thirds! The team wish the company, and everyone involved Happy Halloween!